Climate Information for Decision-Makers
This WGSIP project on climate forecast information for decision making offers to tackle several research-to-operations issues faced by the climate prediction community:
- Assessment and improvement of calibration and ensemble techniques: how can imperfect model forecasts be translated into useful, reliable and comprehensive products? (CEIP: Calibration and Ensemble Intercomparison Project)
- Combination of forecasts across time scales: how can subseasonal and seasonal predictions be efficiently combined to better predict events?
- Capacity building and guidance to the operational community

Calibration and Ensemble Inter-comparison Project (CEIP)
Assessment and improvement of calibration and ensemble techniques: how can imperfect model forecasts be translated into useful products?

Integrating Forecasts Across Timescales (∮FAXTS)
Combination of forecasts across time scales: how can subseasonal and seasonal predictions be efficiently combined to better predict events?

Capacity building and guidance to the operational community
Capacity building and guidance to the operational community. Community development of tools. Generation, translation, transfer and use.

Contact Us
For more information on the project, please contact us.